Detailed Financial Reports in VAS: Exploring Specific Accounting and Financial Reports Provided by VAS in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Vietnam

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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Detailed Financial Reports in VAS: Exploring Specific Accounting and Financial Reports Provided by VAS in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations


Detailed Financial Reports in VAS: Exploring Specific Accounting and Financial Reports Provided by VAS in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

The Vietnam Accounting Standards (VAS) within Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O) offer a range of detailed financial and accounting reports that are essential for comprehensive financial analysis and regulatory compliance. These reports include the General Ledger, General Journal, Account Summaries, and Cash Ledgers, each serving a unique purpose in financial management and oversight. Here's a closer look at these specific reports and their significance.

General Ledger (GL) Report

Purpose: The GL report provides a complete record of all financial transactions within a company over a specific period. It is the backbone of a company's financial data, serving as the primary source for all other financial reports.


  • Detailing Transactions: Lists all debit and credit transactions, offering insights into financial activities across all accounts.
  • Financial Analysis: Facilitates the analysis of financial data, enabling the identification of trends, discrepancies, and opportunities for financial optimization.

General Journal Report

Function: The General Journal report chronicles all accounting transactions in the order they occur, detailing the debit and credit entries for each transaction.


  • Audit Trail: Serves as an audit trail, providing a chronological record of all transactions, which is crucial for auditing and financial review processes.
  • Transaction Verification: Assists in verifying the accuracy of recorded transactions and ensuring compliance with accounting principles.

Account Summaries Report

Objective: This report offers a summarized view of account balances, presenting the opening balance, total debits and credits, and the closing balance for each account within a specified period.


  • Snapshot of Financial Position: Provides a quick snapshot of the financial position of the company, facilitating swift financial assessment and decision-making.
  • Trend Analysis: Useful in analyzing trends over time for individual accounts, aiding in budgeting and financial planning.

Cash Ledger Report

Purpose: The Cash Ledger report tracks all cash transactions, reflecting cash inflows and outflows, and provides the closing cash balance for the reporting period.


  • Cash Flow Insight: Offers detailed insights into cash flow patterns, essential for managing liquidity and operational funding.
  • Reconciliation: Assists in the reconciliation of cash accounts, ensuring the accuracy of cash balances reported in the financial statements.


The detailed financial reports provided by VAS in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations are instrumental in achieving a deep understanding of a company's financial activities and health. By leveraging these reports, businesses can ensure accurate financial recording and reporting, comply with local accounting standards, and make informed financial decisions based on comprehensive data analysis. These reports not only serve compliance and operational needs but also provide strategic insights that drive financial optimization and growth.

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