Connect Sharepoint and develop from C# base on Object Model. - Song Nghia - Microsoft Dynamics Partner

Song Nghia - Microsoft Dynamics Partner

Song Nghia - Microsoft Dynamics Partner


Saturday, May 25, 2019

Connect Sharepoint and develop from C# base on Object Model.

Connect Sharepoint and develop from C# base on Object Model.

Song Nghia - Technical Consultant

HI all,

In this tutorial, we will explore how to connect and configure C# to Sharepoint.

It work on Sharepoint 2013 and older version.

S1. Connect Sharepoint get public info

1. Get file DLL intergrade from program file

- Link: C:\Program files\commom files\Miscrosoft shared\ Web server Extensions\[version 13 or 16]\ISAPI\ [Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll and Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.Runtime.dll]

- Select 2 file dll and referent C# project to this.
2. Connect sharepoint with public info